
Friday, July 13, 2012

Links You Can Use: July 9-13

Every week, we’ll pass on bits of wisdom and food for thought* concerning today’s workplace, the economy, productivity, work/life balance, and many more related issues—all from around the web. Bookmark us to get a weekly dose of up-to-date news stories and online tips and advice. Here are some Links You Can Use:

It can be challenging to get started on saving up money for emergencies and long-term goals like retirement. Fortunately, Feed the Pig offers simple, interactive tools that makes personal finances, well, kind of fun. The website features financial calculators, free savings tips, and a talking pig, naturally. (Feed the Pig)

Reduce stress and enhance your emotional well-being with some of these suggestions for improving your work-life balance. (SavvySugar)

Read about the advantages of reducing employee turnover. (Houston Chronicle)

The chief executive of a company makes the case for designating job titles generously to reward and formally recognize employees. What do you think? In what situations would this strategy succeed or fail? (New York Times)

And here’s a fun one. CareerBuilder released the Most Outrageous Resume Mistakes and Creative Techniques That Worked. One example: "Candidate applying for a management job listed 'gator hunting' as a skill." (CareerBuilder)

* The opinions expressed at these linked websites do not reflect the opinions of Harris, Rothenberg International, Inc. (HRI). HRI is not responsible for the accuracy of any of the information reflected on these sites.

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